DEMO Tutorial English

100,00  (82,64  price excluding VAT)

Essential Tutorial for your team. Detailed guide: Safety, correct positions and movements. Necessary to optimize your equipment and not to train with incorrect positions.

Includes direct tutoring from a PRO SKI instructor for the first 30 days until the user uses the machine correctly.


Follow the video instructions to access the DEMO Tutorial

Once the DEMO Tutorial has been purchased with the order, PRO SKI Academy will send you a COUPON required to view the Tutorial for 1 month..

The Tutorial has a duration of 45 minutes in which it educates on safety, the first steps and gradually advances in the necessary positions and movements. positions and movements necessary to have a good to have a good base in training. It is essential to.

The purchase of the DEMO Tutorial entitles you to interact with a PRO SKI Academy instructor to advise and assist you to advise and assist you by exchanging videos and communication with correction guidelines that may be needed.

To view the tutorial you will always access through this web page and remember that you must always be identified in "My account", so that it recognizes you as the owner of the DEMO Tutorial.



  • Access the top menu in the "My account" option.
  • We identify ourselves with the username username and password that we inform in the purchase.
  • Once identified, we access again to the top menu "Store".
  • We access to "ONLINE SKI and Fitness Classes".
  • We access
  • We access for Spanish language to "Tutorial DEMO Spanish".
  • We access for English language to "Tutorial DEMO English".
  • We indicate "ADD TO CART".
  • We inform the COUPON that we have received in the section APPLY COUPON (exactly as it is sent to us; uppercase - lowercase, spaces).

These steps are only performed to assign the display of the class to the identified user.


Once this step is done, to visualize the class, we only have to perform these 2 steps (we ignore the previous ones). (we ignore the previous ones).

  • Log in to "My account".
  • "Shop" to locate the class. This is the route:
    • Top menu "Shop".
    • We access to "ONLINE SKI and Fitness Classes".
    • We access
    • We access for Spanish language to "Tutorial DEMO Spanish".
    • We access for English language to "Tutorial DEMO English".

The class appears with the label VIEW.


When you send us the coupon, we will inform you of the contact information so that you can interact with a PRO SKI instructor .

The Tutorial is very important in order to avoid incurring in risks of injury and to acquire a good and movements so that you can afford any PRO so that you can afford any PRO SKI training.


Good apprenticeship