It is the basic machine and the most versatile for training. PRO SKI® TRAINING. Like all the machines in the range, it bases its training on skiing technique, but it is not limited to skiers. but it is not limited to skiers, as it is suitable forIt is suitable for anyone between 10 and 80 years of age (depending on physical condition). Either for intermediate skiers who want to start the season in shape and avoid injuries (great work of lateral ligaments) or for anyone who is active in skiing. for anyone who is active in the sport.. Basic Machine provides with its different levels and intensities, a physical conditioning with a great value of Balance, Coordination and balance, coordination, strength, endurance and power.Strength, Endurance and Power. In your perfect home for fitness classes and technical classes. that you will find in the store in the Audiovisual section.
Not recommended for ski professionals or with user's body weight over 100 kg and height over 190 cm. In these cases we recommend a larger arc, being the Power Arc recommended for this circumstance.
Basic model with which we perform Group Activity with musical support in sports centers, Rehabilitations in Specialized centers and as private use for the whole family.