The quality of an accredited instructor is due to his or her training.


An instructor accredited by PRO SENSOR® Development guarantees the success of the training and the correct management of the users.

An instructor NOT accreditedby PRO SENSOR® Development will technically perform erroneous training, will lack the resources to evolve and manage the group for which he/she is responsible, and may even incur risks of injury to the users.

A PRO SENSOR® Development accreditedinstructor candidate undergoes intensive training (technical and user management), with an online section that requires intense study, and a practical section that requires hours of technical training, to conclude the training program, with the completion of important final tests, which will accredit or not, to provide training. PRO SKI® Academy.



A user must be educated and evolve gradually, monitoring their safety and optimizing all the resources and effectiveness offered by the training. PRO SKI® Academy and achieving their satisfaction.





The result of good training work is success.

"For public use of the machines PRO SKI® MACHINES machines require the authorization certificate issued by PRO SENSOR® Development S.L.U



Only with an instructor accredited by PRO SENSOR® Development S.L.U., you will enjoy all the alternatives offered by any PRO SKI® Academy training.


"You will evolve satisfactorily and without risk."