PRO SKI®. in your home: Equipment + Classes

If you have a fitness area in your home, you can train with any of the models PRO SKI®..

You require a space of approximately "2m long" x "1m wide" for a Basic, Special Edition, Premium Edition or Standard machine.

The fitness model PRO SKI®. is suitable for anyone regardless of whether they are skiers or not, or how old they are.

It allows multiple training sessions with different intensities and extensions, since the adjustment of the elastics will allow us to adapt it to all family members depending on the body weight, physical condition and even the type of exercise to be performed.

PRO SKI®. Fitness makes a very versatile and fun workout since it is presented with musical support. It offers a complete workout in which with a base of balance and coordination, it will provide a good CARDIO and a great workout of practically all the muscle groups.



All machines PRO SKI®. with the exception of the PRO model, consist mainly of Arc and Cart.

With the same Arch you can combine several options that will give you the opportunity to work directly on the skates, with ski boots or on a snowboard.

The purchase process takes place in our "Shop", where you will see all the options and combinations. Once the purchase has been decided, you will receive the machine in your home within a maximum of 7 days.

From PRO SKI®. we care about the enjoyment and optimization of the equipment once they reach the user, which is why once you receive the order, we will communicate to assess first steps, positions and security.


The assembly of the equipment is very simple and fast. No technician is required to leave the equipment operational in a very short time.

Any model PRO SKI®. bases its training on the technique of ski carving so that you will always work the same muscles involved in skiing. It's perfect for recreational or intermediate skiers.

You will win in proprioception and physically it will give you great strength. It is a highly recommended training also for people who have suffered an injury without necessarily being the cause of skiing, since it works without impact.

We have a great portfolio of exercises and training that you can buy in our store: for recreational skiers, for fit skiers and for non-skiers. Classes at Home

Balance exercises, coordination, muscle groups, GAP, HIIT, choreography, classes, training pills.

Ask for information without obligation and we will advise you on the training that best suits your physical abilities, objectives and the construction of your machine.